Provide support to regional institutions (ECOWAS, UEMOA, CEREEC, EEEOA, ARREC) in line with capacity building needs for the implementation of the West Africa Energy Sector Governance program.

Contribute to the fight against poverty through enhanced regional integration in the energy sector in West Africa.
  1. Assist ECOWAS in the realization of AGoSE-AO
  2. Assist the specialized institutions (WAPP, ERERA & ECREEE) as well as UEMOA in the realization of AGoSE-AO for the activities which concern them and in particular, for UEMOA, the establishment of a energy data and energy information system for West Africa.
  3. Support ECOWAS and UEMOA in Communication and improving the visibility of AGoSE-AO.

Technical Assistance to ECOWAS for Energy Sector Governance in West Africa financed by the 11th EDF (AgoSE-WA)

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 1.1: Drafting of an ECOWAS energy policy: Updating, strategic, action plans, reporting, dissemination Activity 1.2: Creation of a regional energy database and an Energy Information System West Africa.

This activity, after addendum No3, is now focused on monitoring and supporting ECOWAS with review and approval process of the deliverables submitted by the teams contracted to do the actual update of the Energy Policy (Activity 5.1) and the development of the electricity code.

Activity 1.2: Creation of a regional energy database and an Energy Information System West Africa.

The ECOWAS Energy Department, is responsible for the coordination and harmonization of Member States' energy policies and programs. To fulfil this function, a consistent, reliable and regularly updated information system is crucial for the region. The objective of the ECOWAS Energy Information System (EIS-ECOWAS) is to provide data and information for designing energy strategies and policies and to disseminate this information to other stakeholders such as international organizations, project developers etc. This activity therefore consists in setting up the ECOWAS Energy Information System and ensuring its sustainability.

Activity 1.3: Updating the Generation & transmission Master plan

Update ECOWAS master plan for the development of regional power generation and transmission infrastructure 2019-2033

Following the finalization of the master, the TA AGoSE is now assisting WAPP PIPES Department in the preparation of feasibility Studies of the priority projects indicated in ECOWAS Master Plan for the development of Regional Power Generation and Transmission Infrastructure 2019 – 2033

Activity 1.4: Creation of an institutional and regulatory framework of renewable energy (RE) standards and norms

With a vast regional market and the local manufacture or assembly or import of all kinds of RE products and equipments, it is necessary that ECOWAS in consultation with UEMOA and ECREEE concentrates its efforts on creation of regional norms and standards

Activity 1.5: Definition of renewable energies corridors (steered together with WAPP)

RE corridors relate to the concept developed and implemented by IRENA at worldwide level. Implemented to West Africa, this concept is called West Africa Clean Energy Corridor or WACEC. The WACEC will promote the development and integration of utility-scale renewable power in West African power systems. The purpose of clean energy corridors is (i) to facilitate the capture of renewable energy over the cross-border geographic area where the potential is at the highest, (ii) to reduce the transaction costs (iii) to strengthen the bargaining power of the buyer by mutualizing the tendering process. Endorsed by the ECOWAS Energy Ministerial in December 2016.

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 2.1: Harmonisation of National Legislative and Regulatory framework

This is activity will determine the conditions of participation of each ECOWAS member state to the regional electricity market through their national market organisation. The key issues with regards to this was addressed in the 2013 Directive on the organisation of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Market. However, there is the need to update and amend some of the provisions of the Directive for a more efficient and robust regional electricity market especially in view of the transition from phase 1 to Phase 2 of regional market

Activity 2.2: Definition of Standards and Certifications in the Renewable Energy technologies

Task 2.2.1 Regional RE product standards including bioenergy This task consists of rolling out the process for defining 3 regional RE standards or certifications (in at least 3 ECOWAS member states). These standards are defined through a consultation / validation process of national / regional stakeholders. The draft RE standards should be submitted to the ECOWAS Standards Harmonisation Model (ECOSHAM) Regional Standards and Labelling Technical Committee, ECOSHAM Technical Harmonisation Committee (THC)

Task 2.2.2 Regional Certification Schemes (RCS) for solar PV installation

    1. Development of 7 training modules for trainers;
    2. Development of a practical guide for the training of trainers
    3. Organization of a validation workshop for the 7 training modules for trainers;
    4. Translation of deliverables in English;
    5. Translation of deliverables into Portuguese (in progress).

Activity 2.3: Definition of Standards and Certifications for Energy Efficiency (EE) in Buildings

This activity consisted of a number of tasks performed by GIZ (AGoSE-AO funding) and UEMOA (non-EU funding). The GIZ and AGoSE-AO teams integrated the UEMOA in the ongoing work on the Energy Efficiency Code for New Buildings. Following tasks composed the activity:

    • Task 2.3.1 Minimum Energy Performance standards (MEPS) for electric appliances
    • Task 2.3.2 EE appliances labelling
    • Task 2.3.3 Support UEMOA / ECOWAS in preparing a directive on energy efficiency

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 3.1: Operationalization of the ICC

AGoSE WAPP: Implementation of the ECOWAS Electricity Market Expected result: The Contractor will assist the staff of the ICC in the management, implementation and follow-up of the whole activities with a view to achieving the following results:

  • All organizational, technical and administrative conditions needed to operate successfully the ICC are in place
  • The staff available is able to take charge of the ICC operation
  • After the end of the TA contract, the staff of WAPP is capable of running and maintaining the ICC using all the functionality at the highest level of performance
  • A regional electricity energy market, working and transparent, is in place

Activity 3.2: Unified regulation of the electricity market

The unified regulation of the electricity market is key to ensuring market sustainability as ERERA’s regional governance framework must not only be seen to be clear and transparent but must also be equally binding on all market participants. The various activities under this component are therefore to ensure a predictable, clear and transparent regulatory framework that will govern a sustainable electricity market and instill confidence on all market participants and electricity sector stakeholders.

Activity 3.3: Operation and Management of the Electricity Grid and Single Market

Project financed by AGoSE WAPP: provide the necessary support to ensure an efficient and successful implementation of the WAPP ICC project and the appropriate preparation of its operation

Activity 3.4: Support the development of RE in rural development

Promotion of the devt of on grid-RE; Promotion of the development of autonomous and local systems (mini-grids, solar kits), promotion of cheaper technologies and clean energies; Support RE project developers (Technical Assistance Facility)

Activity 3.5: Support market participants to deliver financial stability

This activity is based on the need to prepare potential national players to make transactions on the regional market. A key enabling factor is that these actors commit themselves towards financial viability in the midterm.

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 4.1 Provision of Technical Assistance to Support Capacity Strengthening

The purpose of the TA is to support ECOWAS in the implementation of AgoSE-AO and Assist the specialised regional institutions (WAPP, ERERA and ECREEE) as well as WAEMU, particularly in the implementation of AGoSE-AO’s activities pertaining to them. The TA will ensure that the target institutions have the adequate capacities and possess the required organizational structure to fulfil their roles

Activity 4.2 Support to ERERA in Development of Rules and Procedures for the regional electricity market

This activity will ensure predictability and transparency in the development of the ECOWAS regional electricity market which has been designed to evolve in 3 phases. As regional regulator ERERA has the mandate to put in place the appropriate rules and procedures for each market phase beginning from the current phase 1 of the market, transiting through phase 2 and ending in phase 3 of the market development.

Activity 4.3 Establishment of a training programme in RE and EE through ’regionalised’ CERMI

This activity implemented by LuxDev focused on RE/EE training offers. Missions to identify training needs in the ECOWAS Member States were conducted as well as undertook consultations and harmonisation meetings with GIZ, in particular on aspects related to certification, based on Training programme in RE and EE Situation

The project has been completed since 30 April 2021 with the execution of all training plans: 112 trainers from the ECOWAS/PALOP/Mauritania area in the field of solar thermal, solar PV, and EE. Bioenergy training completed in April 2021

Activity 4.4: Support for the transformation of CERMI into a regional Centre

The purpose of this activity is to transform CERMI into a center serving the West African region (and Mauritania) and Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP). This activity was implemented by Lux-Dev/CERMI.

Activity 4.5: Strengthening WAPP stakeholders

Project financed by AGoSE WAPP

  • 4.5.1 Secondment of Operating Staff (2020-April 2022)
  • 4.5.2 Purchase of goods and services and running costs
  • 4.5.3. Capacity building of WAPP and its member companies.
  • - Training of personnel from WAPP member companies
  • - Training of staff from WAPP and ICC
  • - Regional Centre of Excellence

Activity 4.6: Creation of a scholarship programme

The purpose of the AGOSE AO scholarship is to support outstanding students pursuing advanced studies (Master’s level for a period of up to two years) in sustainable energy development and to encourage meaningful contribution to the collective body of knowledge about this subject.

Within energy sector: This particular scholarship programme intends to boost access to education within the energy sector in the Western African´s strategic areas. For youth: The scholarship programme will aim to support the education of young professionals from schools or universities (Francophone and Anglophone) in the Western African region

Activity 4.7 Assist ECOWAS and WAEMU in communication and enhancing the visibility of AGoSE-AO

Ensure the communication and visibility of the AGoSE-AO programme and to provide advice on the communication strategy of ECOWAS and UEMOA with regard to improving governance of the energy sector in West Africa. Meet EU communication and visibility requirements for the EU-funded project; Develop efficient and adequate tools to enable the development of a good and dynamic communication strategy to highlight EU support and the achievements of ECOWAS and WAEMU;

Activity 4.8: Capacity development for CEMG developers/operators and/or EE experts (ECOWAS RE Entrepreneurship Support Facility)

This activity was entirely implemented by GIZ for the benefit of ECREEE. The purpose is to provide support to the project sponsors that receive support from the ECOWAS RE Entrepreneur support facility set-up by ECREEE. RE Projects supported by the facility were selected following a call for applications.

Activity 4.9: Collaboration with Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) Secretariat

Given that the overall objective of the AGoSE-AO programme, the contribution of the International Energy Charter will allow ECOWAS and its Member States to benefit from its experience and body of knowledge to provide a stable and transparent framework to mobilize the required investment to achieve universal energy access in the region. The activity focuses on:

  • a. Facilitation of accession of ECOWAS Member States to the Energy Charter Treaty;
  • b. Engagement of all ECOWAS Member States in EIRA;
  • c. Secondment of experts from ECOWAS Member States and the Commission to the ECS in Brussels for a period of up to three months;
  • d. Capacity building and training.

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 5.1: Updating of ECOWAS Regional Energy Policy

(a) Carry out a Sectorial Analysis through two sub activities: (i). Data Collection: its purpose is to inform ECOWAS about the results of the Data Collection activity; (ii). Preparation of the Sectoral Analysis: Its main purpose is to: 1. describe the situation of the energy sector in the base year (2019) and the outlooks (horizon 2045); 2. lay out and justify the main principles and strategic areas/policies areas to be included in the Updated Regional Energy Policy; and 3. delineating key aspects of the Implementation Plan; (b) Propose to ECOWAS an updated Regional Energy Policy as well as an Implementation Plan: The updated policy will address the following issues: (i) Main aspects to be developed in the Energy Policy; (ii) Energy Sector Situation and Recent Trends in the ECOWAS region; (iii) key aspects for Updating the Regional Energy Policy; (iv) Vision and expected outcomes (2045) for the ECOWAS Energy Sector; (v) Fundamental principles underlying the proposed Policy; (vi) Energy Policy Priorities; (vii) Strategic directions/pillars; (viii) Optimal Energy Mix for the Region. The plan will provide transparent mechanisms to monitor and evaluated progress and as needed measures to mitigate the obstacles

Activity 5.2: Development of the regional code of electricity of ECOWAS

Carry out: i) Data Collection and Diagnostic: Data Collection and Research; Diagnosis and Assessment of the current Electricity legal, regulatory and institutional Framework in ECOWAS region applicable to the Development of the Regional Electricity Code; and Make relevant recommendations defining the outlines of the ECOWAS electricity code; ii) Final Draft of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Code highlighting at least the following points: (i) general provisions; (ii) concepts and definition of the public utility of electricity; (iii) operation of the public electricity service; (iv) easements; (v) proposal for a Directive on common principles for the internal market and the regional electricity market; (vi) Proposed directives for the harmonization of contractual provisions concerning the purchase / sale of electricity, and the connection and use of the transmission system

Activity 5.3: Provision of breaking down the Energy Policy to National Activities

This Activity concerns breaking down the regional energy policy into national activities. This activity will be a continuation of Activity 5.1 related to the drafting of ECOWAS energy policy and updating of the strategic analysis and action plans undertaken. The objective of this Activity is to support national modifications or adaptations of laws and regulations of West African States in line with regional policy priorities.

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 6.2: Establishment and running of the Study Facility

Define, explicitly and restrictively at the level of each country or Institutions, actions to be undertaken on themes, areas of capacity building as well as eligible studies, related to the improvement of energy sector management and governance. These actions should be systematically linked to a regional activity and correspond either to a national input for a regional action or to the implementation of a regional action at national level. These actions do not cover those of other Technical and Financial Partners in favour of the energy sector of ECOWAS member countries as well as those of the EU Technical Assistance Facility for the SE4ALL West Africa Initiative, ongoing or planned, the EU Technical Assistance Facility for the SE4ALL Initiative Western Africa, underway or planned.

Activity 6.1: Preparation of the Study Facility

Define, explicitly and restrictively at the level of each country or Institutions, actions to be undertaken on themes, areas of capacity building as well as eligible studies, related to the improvement of energy sector management and governance. These actions should be systematically linked to a regional activity and correspond either to a national input for a regional action or to the implementation of a regional action at national level. These actions do not cover those of other Technical and Financial Partners in favour of the energy sector of ECOWAS member countries as well as those of the EU Technical Assistance Facility for the SE4ALL West Africa Initiative, ongoing or planned, the EU Technical Assistance Facility for the SE4ALL Initiative Western Africa, underway or planned.

Activity Brief description of the activity

Activity 7.1 Preparation of Capacity Building Programme and Development of Training Materials

This activity is to ensure that all market participants and key stakeholders are enlightened and trained on the regulatory instruments developed by ERERA for the operationalization of the regional electricity market and also to strengthen the knowledge, skill and capacity of national regulators on regulation and electricity market as they play a critical role in improving the electricity governance in the ECOWAS region

Activity 7.2 Delivery of training activities, training, evaluation and reporting

This activity is to ensure that all market participants and key stakeholders are enlightened and trained on the regulatory instruments developed by ERERA for the operationalization of the regional electricity market and also to strengthen the knowledge, skill and capacity of national regulators on regulation and electricity market as they play a critical role in improving the electricity governance in the ECOWAS region

